St Gavin's Academy

The school is partnered with Miles Franklin Primary School in Evatt, ACT. This partnership commenced in March 2017.

St Gavin's Academy consists of wood classrooms with corrugated iron roofing. The school has recently, 2 years ago, moved to its current premises where the land is owned by the school. Previously the school was on rented land and therefore did not have surety of tenure. 

School Director Mr Elkana Makori and Head Teacher Simon Onchera are passionate about proving children with a quality education. They recognise that the school facilities are not up to standard and the school urgently needs more toilets and water access on campus, in addition the construction of permanent brick classrooms is a medium term goal. See Future Projects.

Quick facts:
Partner school - Miles Franklin Primary School
Student number -  approximately 130
Scholarship students - 4 (If you would like to provide a scholarship to a student, please click)
Projects - Toilets, nature park tour, teaching resources, brick classrooms, lockable cupboards, water tank,

Projects needing funds:
Brick classrooms, library, desks


Spring 2020 Autumn 2019 August 2018 October 2017  August 2017 

Images of St Gavin's Academy